Displaying items by tag: SIFA day
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SIFA day in Greece and Preparation Activities

We implemented a few activities during the period from December 2015 to February 2016.

This was due to the Safe Internet Day (Feb 9) and also as part of our preparation for the SIFA Erasmus+ meeting in Poland which will be held in April.

These were:

Informing parents of our school about internet risks (because of maluse).

Participating in a Webinar with many other schools from Greece (9 Feb).

Performing activities at school and a workshop which included viewing the film tagged and discussing in groups afterwards. 150 students and 10 teachers participated in this. (9 Feb).

Creating a lesson plan for awareness about internet addiction.

Informing parents and teachers of the district about our project SIFA, our activities, results and research and of course about internet risks (because of maluse).

Project Presentation of all reports, activities and videos that were implemented at school.

Planning new activities at 1st High School and 7th Primary School of Kos.

6 December 2015 SIFA DAY for parents at school. Parents were invited. Presentations by students and Phycologist Maria Drosou, movies and discussions took place. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6i1EVWz6r7mVnhJeDhpSnhZbEU&usp=sharing
9 February 2016

SIFA DAY for at school.

Webinar with other schools from Greece and Aris Louvris


and at the same time SIFA day at school for all students aged 15-17.

Presenting video Tagged and discussion activities.



28 Feb 2015 2nd Lyceum of Kos with parents of students aged 15-18 from all schools of the region and teachers. Presentations, relevant videos and discussion.

Presentation by Drosou Maria https://youtu.be/uXR3TGSB-80

Presentation by Hlapanis Georgios


31/1/2016 Lesson plan about internet addiction https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TEfYsib1Be2j2OODDxpWKXdJ3S8MNR8CUkl8RtOj5R8/edit?usp=sharing
19/1/2016 and 20/1/2016

Project Presentation of all reports, activities and videos.

Photos of 19/1/2016



Teacher Hlapanis project:


Teacher Minaidi project:




Teacher Koutsi project:


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